Master, PhD, Bachelor Thesis
Diploma Thesis
Franz Inselkammer:
Question based Knowledge Management in a Groupware Environment: As part of the OSWP Project, a Research oriented Knowledge Management Approach is implemented and tested.
Alexander Danmayer:
Resource Management in Collaborative Workspaces
Thomas Kastner:
Document Management in Distributed Project Management Environments-A new interface approach
Robert Neureiter:
Communicational aspects of Project Management using web-based technologies: Implementing an email-basecommunication environment
Stefan Raffeiner:
Modelling Ontologies with Topic Maps and OWL: Implementation Challenges and Conceptual Issues
Christian Mader:
Platformunabhängige Re-Impementierung bestehender Arztsoftware
David Sternberger:
Evaluierung, Implementierung und Testen von Message Oriented Middleware
Peter Gerstbach:
Generating Structured Documents to Create Reports by Integrating Data from CMS/DMS and EAI Systems
Szabolcs Rozsnyai:
Efficient indexing and searching in correlated business event streams
Doris Wagner:
Vereinheitlichung und Standardisierung von Repositories im Content Management Bereich
Thomas Zwanzinger:
Interactive Previews in Document Workflows
Birgit Dippelreiter:
Einsatz von Groupware in und zwischen
Unternehmen Auswirkungen auf die
Arbeitsabläufe - eine Analyse
Roland Vecera:
Efficient Indexing, Search and Analysis of Event Streams
Robert Fischer:
Motivations and Challenges in Designing a Distributed Log Management Framework
Michael Fuchs:
Prinzipien und Rahmenstrukturen zur Erstellung adaptiver Hypermedia Applikationen
Benedikt Eckhard:
Context-Aware Notification in Global Software Development
Robert Thullner:
Implementing Enterprise Integration Patterns Using Open Source Frameworks
Thomas Heigl:
Information Retrieval in the Legal Domain
Joachim Grüneis:
Object–XML mapping with JAXB2
Paul Alexandrow:
Integration of Heterogeneous Software-Intensive Systems with Rule-Engine-Based Event Correlation,
Analysis and Generation
Marian Schedenig:
Leveraging ESB and SEDA Technologies for Complex Event Correlation
Gregor Rosenauer:
A Standards-Based Approach to Dynamic Tool Integration Using Java Business Integration
Emrah Bozkaya:
Improvement of Life-Quality in the Developing Regions through Mobile Device Social Networks
Markus Niederer:
Meeting Scheduling Support using Mobile Clients
Andreas Kaltenecker:
Deriving project health indicators of Open Source Software Projects using Social Network Analysis
Walter Pindhofer:
Model Driven Configuration Management
Andreas Pieber:
Flexible Engineering Environment Integration for (Software+) Development Teams
Christoph Gritschenberger:
Security for the Integration of Software Tools in multidisciplinary Engineering Processes
Vedrana Tomic:
A Biomimetic View on Complex Software Systems and the Consequences for Digital Sustainability
PhD Thesis
Szabolcs Rozsnyai:
Managing Event Streams for Querying Complex Events
Andreas Thöni:
Sustainability Risk Monitoring in Supply Chains
Bachelor Thesis
Roland Vecera:
J2EE Best Practices - Implementation of Collaboration Discussion
Szabolcz Rosnai:
J2EE Best Practices - Implementation of a Chat Client
Thomas Zwanzinger:
Performance Testing of Web-Applications
Stefan Kals:
Implementation of Best-Practice Software-Engineering Setup in .net Application Development
Birgül, Nilgün Kaya:
XML Topic Maps und RDF, eine Vergleichende Einführung
Peter Kröpfl:
Testen von Web-Application Frameworks
Peter Parapatics:
Evolution of Data-Warehousing and Mining
Jürgen Platzer:
Image Processing using Cellular Automata
Markus Demolsky:
Entwickeln von (Java) Swing Applikationen mit Spring RCP
Michael Peleschka:
Near Field Communication (NFC) als weiterer Baustein des "Pervasive Computing"
Andreas Pieber, Jakob Spoerk:
A Comparative Analysis of State-of-the-Art Component Frameworks for the Java Programming Language